MNTR Sports



MNTR Sports was created by brothers Kevin and Sean McDermott, NCAA Division 1 runners and teammates at Duke University. The brothers learned to train and compete from their high school coaches, but realized there was so much more to develop outside of the every day practice; embracing their competitiveness and desire to excel, they dedicated themselves to training tirelessly to ensure they achieved peak performance. Despite their passion and commitment to compete at the highest level, the McDermott brothers lacked connections in the running community they could rely on for advice and guidance. MNTR Sports was born from these experiences, and the brothers came up with an idea to connect the common athlete to those already at the college or even professional level for insight and tutelage.


MNTR Sports is the premier platform that connects collegiate and high school level athletes with each other to create a mentor/mentee relationship. Younger athletes that want to get the “edge” on the field and in the classroom should have the opportunity to gain as much real world advice from someone that just went through a very similar experience. Advice and answers to the unknown college recruitment process, nutrition, specific position drills, and academics are all areas that young, motivated student-athletes want to know. MNTR Sports is the marketplace for those seeking advice and those that want to give back and mentor.

 What we do


Kevin’s Story


Kevin’s post-collegiate athletic career came to an abrupt halt following a disabling spinal cord injury after graduating from Duke University in 2009. Kevin’s passion for sports, leadership, and mentoring has continued since. MNTR Sports is the vehicle through which he is pursuing that passion.